Seminar für Slavistik / Lotman Institute at Ruhr University Bochum invites you to zoom series:
Everyday Life, Planned Consumption and Leisure in the Late Soviet Union
hosted by Alexander Bikbov, DAAD visiting professor
The seminar features leading historians of the late Soviet period to present in distance sessions their groundbreaking research and personal testimony of the phenomena of Soviet population management, production and consumption, urban life and collective sensibilities. The sessions take place from February 19 to March 25, 2024 and continue the face-to-face course at Lotman Institute held in the Fall 2023/24.
February 19, 10:00 a.m. CET. Through the Looking-Glass of Late Soviet Modernity: Institutional and Everyday Life in the USSR, by Sheila Fitzpatrick (Australian Catholic University) in dialogue with Alexander Bikbov on her book A Spy in the Archives
February 26, 17:00 CET. Aeroflot’s Frequent Flyers and the Soviet Jet Age, by Steven Harris (University of Mary Washington)
March 4, 17:00 CET. State Bounty and Deficit: Soviet Food, 1952-1991, by Catriona Kelly (University of Cambridge)
March 11, 17:00 CET. Illiberal Administration Performs Governmentality: Revisiting the Soviet 1950s-80s, by Alexander Bikbov (Lotman Institute RUB)
March 18, 17:00 CET. Trauma, Pride and Beauty: Towards an Emotional History of Perestroika from Below, by Juliane Fürst (Leibniz Centre for Contemporary History)
March 22, 17:00 CET. The Urban Landscape of Knowledge in the Cold War Soviet Union, by Alexey Golubev (University of Houston)
March 25, 17:00 CET. Participatory session: studying the late Soviet.
The sessions are held in English.
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Please note that the first session on February 19 takes place at 10:00 a.m. CET (meaning the time zone of Bochum, Brussels or Paris; please check the corresponding time in your region), while the next sessions take place at 17:00 CET.
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February 19, 10:00 a.m. CET. Through the Looking-Glass of Late Soviet Modernity: Institutional and Everyday Life in the USSR, by Sheila Fitzpatrick (Australian Catholic University) in dialogue with Alexander Bikbov on her book A Spy in the Archives
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February 26, 17:00 CET. Aeroflot’s Frequent Flyers and the Soviet Jet Age, by Steven Harris (University of Mary Washington)
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