
Записи с меткой 'public order'

Paris (Europe) .24 -> .25

The eclectic year left behind a smoke of war fires, invigorating contingencies and unfulfilled premonitions. Project Europe keeps revealing its hidden steampunk potential. Is this a hint of a plateau or an assumption of an increasingly steeper slope?


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Foucault on audit

Join Flying University expert talk in Berlin on 22 November 2024, 18:00 CET, face-to-face and in zoom

Foucault and the Audit Profession: A Hidden Liaison

Alexander Bikbov, Frank Fabel, Milda Bagdonaite

Using Foucault to investigate auditing as a practice of knowledge: what kind of epistemology, which contribution by scholars and insiders, what kind of control and what kind of governmentality is auditing?


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Neo-liberals go Neo-mercantilist

Osteuropa Institut (Freie Universität Berlin) invites to a lecture and discussion

Neomercantilist Turn of Neoliberal Government: Russia as a Global (South) Model?

by Alexander Bikbov

on 21 November 2024, 16:00-18:00


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Propaganda and Resistance

Интервью «Пропаганда разрушает межклассовый мир» немецкоязычному изданию Die Wochenzeitung.

К чему на самом деле ведет военная пропаганда, предназначенная разным целевым аудиториям, какие виды сопротивления остаются незамеченными и чем методология Бурдье помогает в понимании механизма пропагандистского внушения.


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Vom Neoliberalismus zum Neomerkantilismus

Дискуссия на русском и немецком языках в берлинском Bildungswerk о неомеркантилистской мутации российского режима в глобальном контекте. Вход свободный.


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Putin’s coup d’état

How do authoritarian tendencies in governance sit together with market logic? Why has mercantilism returned to politics and how does it work? Sociologist Alexander Bikbov analyzes the deadly alliance of the neoliberal and conservative forces in contemporary Russia.


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Technological complexity and dangerous ambiguity of the Russian political regime, evolving from the early 2000s, is explored in two English-speaking discussions in Berlin.
April 23, Discussion of the book Flexible Authoritarianism by Anna Schwenck.
April 25, New Russian Mercantilism: the Path of War, presentation by Alexander Bikbov.


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