You are warmly invited to join a meeting and discussion that will shed light on
Resistance and solidarity against repressions in Russia
which will take place on Thursday, May 18, at 4 pm
at the associative Turgenev Russian Library (11 rue de Valence, Paris)
Participants :
Maria Menshikova, doctoral student in Slavic studies (Bochum, Germany), editor of a student newspaper in Russian Doxa,
Yana Teplitskaya, mathematician, former member of the Public Monitoring Commission (civic prison observatory) in Petersburg (2016-19),
Nadezhda Skochilenko, the mother of artist Aleksandra Skochilenko, political prisoner accused of anti-war counter-propaganda.
Alexander Bikbov, sociologist and specialist in citizen protest, associate member at CERCEC.
Presentations and discussion will be held in English.
Please note that the number of seats in the space of the Turgenev Library is limited. Keep in mind to reserve yours following the link : https://lstu.fr/qxUQvbht
Taking as a starting point their personal experiences of participation in anti-authoritarian, anti-carceral and anti-war initiatives, the participants of Russian origin will explain how solidarities function in Russian society, what forms of civil resistance and counter-power existed before the war and which realities have taken their place today.
Several particular cases and institutions of citizen counter-power (less known in France) will be considered, in particular the Public Monitoring Commission (ONK, a public prisons observatory), the student newspaper Doxa (which became one of the independent Russian voices of resistance, first anti-authoritarian, then anti-war), the network of the Feminist anti-war resistance, as well as the campaign of solidarity with the political prisoner, mathematician and left-wing activist Azat Miftakhov and the personal case of Maria Menshikova, accused by the Russian Prosecutor’s Office of «justification of terrorism», as a result of her support of anti-war political prisoners. The details of the course of activities and repressions will shed light on the complex reality of resistance and solidarity in Russia, barely seen from a distance.
The presentations will be followed by a discussion. Feel free to join the meeting and to ask your questions if you are interested in the conditions of life under constraint and tactics of resistance, anti-authoritarian and feminist practices, the construction of solidarity campaigns under heavy conditions of police and legal persecutions.