
Записи с меткой 'COVID-19'

Virtual activism – discussion

April 18, 2020, at 6 p.m. (Moscow time) Young social scientists conference “Vectors” held in/outside the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences invites you to join an on-line discussion Political Action beyond Co-presence with Judith Butler, Keti Chukhrov and Alexander Bikbov, moderated by Grigory Yudin   The discussion which has as starting point a […]


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15 апреля 2020 в 19:00 (по Мск) – публичная лекция и дискуссия COVID-19 как объект управления: на пересечении эпидемиологии и социологии знания Из работ Мишеля Фуко нам известно, сколь важную роль в формировании европейских аппаратов власти играли эпидемии чумы. Мировая эпидемия коронавируса, которая обещает настоящий социальный и экономический коллапс, становится новым и неожиданно настоятельным для […]


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Un article Bikbov, Boris & Bikbov, Alexander, “Communication on COVID-19 to community – measures to prevent a second wave of epidemic” est cosigné avec mon frère épidémiologiste travaillant à l’Institut de recherches pharmacologiques Mario Negri à Bergame. Le texte est déposé à OSF repository, en accès libre. Ce résultat de collaboration entre un sociologue et […]


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Light night COVID-lockdown pleasures

Speed, long distances, new places vanish from the lockdown life rhythm. Inventive cooperation fills in its relative scarcity with new and sometimes unexpected ways. In some closed yards musicians give evening concerts from the windows of their flats, in some neighbourhoods even house numbers compete with the odds in self-made quiz, some people just discuss […]


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Paris-COVID, Ghost City?

One week after the announced stay-at-home measures, Paris downtown in the morning gives a perfect idea of a place it was several decades ago. Only a mild wind and a distant passerby make you company when you walk along with a certificate that you must fill-in by yourself each moment you leave home. Martian chronicles […]


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