
10 июня, в 18:00 (Мск)

Я проведу онлайн-семинар

Уязвимость как ресурс: эпизоды из женских, ЛГБТ и медицинских протестов

в рамках созвон-курса “Феминизм, активизм, гендер” Дарьи Серенко и Софьи Сно

Речь пойдет о примерах и моделях протестного действия, которое преобразует стигматизирующую уязвимость в предмет публичной дискуссии и практики empowerment, а в отдельных случаях – в активистскую утопию. Эпизоды семинара: феминистское движение в контексте французского и итальянского левого активизма 1970-х, публичные кампании против тюрем, движение ЛГБТ и ВИЧ-пациентов (в частности, Act Up и AIDeS), цифровая кампания ЯНебоюсьСказать и теоретическая работа Джудит Батлер.

Полную программу курса и условия участия можно увидеть здесь.


UPD: Ридер к семинару

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Александр Бикбов: Телеграм-канал


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In a vacation mood

A week-end at Parc de Sceaux, in the environs of Paris, after lockdown.

A week-end at Parc de Sceaux near Paris, in a vacation mood after lockdown
A week-end at Parc de Sceaux near Paris, in a vacation mood after lockdown
A week-end at Parc de Sceaux near Paris, in a vacation mood after lockdown
A week-end at Parc de Sceaux near Paris, in a vacation mood after lockdown
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Paris: Going social during the outbreak


Immediately after a partial relax of the lockdown Paris did not set itself to large street festivity. On May 11 streets were more saturated with people moving in between reopened shops than with those simply strolling, meeting and spontaneously chatting. The emancipatory shopping hasn’t stayed for the main expression of the rediscovered collectivity. Media quickly focused opinions on sunny picnics marking several urban locations. What draws smaller attention, the proportion of persons wearing masks in the street visibly decreases every next week-end. May 20 was the first evening when massive applause from Parisian windows and balconies, destined to medical workers, was scarce or interrupted. An important landmark in the perception of the epidemic has been crossed.

Meanwhile the virus is there. And the words designating what to do and what to avoid are weighty. They form a context in which reactions to risks are split: to get the virus or to get a fine, to lose job or to be deprived of essential liberties. Urban space is reset as a new space of competition, predefined by older tensions between lifestyles brought out in segregated factions of social classes.

To mask (not): contrasted social worlds

A double bind of epidemic self-control and of police enforcement is still urgent around the concept of distancing. Regional authorities continue to communicate preventive measures, such as a prohibition to gather in more than 10 persons in public, to take public transport unmasked and to consume alcohol in public spaces (this one to stop massive hangouts). Almost 1000 fines were imposed during the first week on those who left the 100km limit without permit.

Paris: Going social during the outbreak

While many parks are still closed following the same restrictive measures, in certain urban locations human density is simply impressive. As long as these locations “belong” to different social classes, a striking contrast is clearly observable in relationships with a fundamental epidemic object – the mask. Whereas white young bourgeois often avoid wearing masks, at least a third (or more) of black poorer young wear them.

Paris: Going social during the outbreak, ways to wear masks

This is partly explained by a much tougher police control, going up to arbitrary violence, destined to non-white populations during the lockdown. So, to wear a mask, especially for a young black man, is a protective measure… against the police. But that does not make the only reason.

Paris: Going social during the outbreak, ways to wear masks
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The COVID-19 epidemic emptied city places, tinned public sites and readjusted sub-levels of urban routines. Have physical distancing and social isolation already established a new mode to live together that won’t cease after the lockdown is cancelled? That is a large research and political question that each society will strive to answer months and years after the Day 0. What is immediatly visible, is how the lockdown bared deeper material infrastructure of the cities, reducing networks of usual bodily interactions but also generating new ephemeral ones. A short visual study examines signs of presence dispersed in urban spaces deserted and put under control of civic self-discipline and police surveillance.

Hollow sites

Urban institutions immediately “frozen” with the declared lockdown or progressively shut down in the passed weeks expose the city as if it was a set of specimen preparations. The metaphor of open-air museum gains here a full palpability. Visible through windows, fences and prohibitive ribbons, the trace of previously frenetic urban motion displays itself halted and decomposed into dormant shops and churches, cafés and construction sites, hotels and parks. A kind of perfect museum inventory charged with ethnographic and administrative value. Its historical value is still low two months after the full stop. But one may already feel a soft vibration of time machine.

Alexander Bikbov: Paris-COVID, a study of signs of presence
Alexander Bikbov: Paris-COVID, a study of signs of presence
Alexander Bikbov: Paris-COVID, a study of signs of presence
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Александр Бикбов, Дмитрий Гудков в программе "Настоящее время"

Александр Бикбов и Дмитрий Гудков в программе “Самоизоляция на пределе“, канал “Настоящее время” (запись эфира 21 апеля 2020)

  • Кто и как участвует в виртуальных и уличных акциях протестах в условиях изоляции: следует ли объяснять их крайней бедностью?
  • Уличный митинг во Владикавказе: разнообразие состава участников, мотивы возврата в СССР и социальной несправедливости.
  • Цифровые митинги в российских городах: критика мер изоляции и важность сравнений с Европой и США.
  • Помощь населению и малому бизнесу в условиях эпидемии: недоверие к правительству в России и Франции.
  • Российское правительство как кредитная организация: для чего Кремлю понадобилось экспертное мнение А.Навального.

Запись эфира на youtube-канале программы


Больше по теме передачи:

Петиция Конфедерации труда России о мерах по поддержке работников в условиях пандемии

Петиция о полноценных трудовых договорах для работников доставки

Петиция Инициативной группы МГУ о ежемесячных социальных выплатах студентам и сотрудникам вузов на время пандемии


Discussion Judith Butler, Keti Chukhrov and Alexander Bikbov : Political Action beyond Co-presence

April 18, 2020, at 6 p.m. (Moscow time)

Young social scientists conference “Vectors” held in/outside the Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences invites you to join an on-line discussion

Political Action beyond Co-presence

with Judith Butler, Keti Chukhrov and Alexander Bikbov, moderated by Grigory Yudin


The discussion which has as starting point a concern on physical and social distancing during the pandemic and its impact on collective and political action in long term, will proceed with questioning on modes of inclusion, interconnections between social and virtual spaces, modalities of pursuit for recognition and the potential of distance for joint action and resistance.

Participation is open and free. In order to get an invitation and to take part in the discussion, the organizers propose you to fill-in a short registration form (at the foot of the page).


UPD: The discussion is available online (click to watch)

Discussion "Political Action beyond Co-presence" with Judith Butler, Keti Chukhrov and Alexander Bikbov, moderated by Grigory Yudin (MSSES, April 18, 2020)

